Show statistics/Status of EnduraData Replication

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edstat - Display statistics and state for File Replication, Transfer and Synchronization.


edstat [-l linkname] [-r receiver] [-s source_node ] [-p port ] [-w password] [-d|-f] [-m minjobid -M maxjobid] [-b ] [-g] [-B bwlimit] [-D] [-V][-Z]


edstat is the command line interface for getting statistics and various stati about the file synchronization, replication and content distribution network.

edstat allows you to obtain the status and progress of the file sync and transfers to various remote sites.

edstat indicates if file synchronization is succeeding or is failing. If you notice any failed files, then you need to examine the logs directory (especially eddist.log ed_sender*log, ed_receiver*log) to see what is the root cause of the problem.


No options specified

Will dump the current status of all links and receivers.

-B numbyesbwlimit

This will let the sender apply numbyesbwlimit as a maximum number of bytes per second to send for this server. Normally bwlimit in eddist.cfg controls the bandwidth used for each link. This is an urgent way of making exceptions through a scheduler to reduce the bandwidth used during certain times of the the day. To revert to normal operations use -B 0


When -D is specified, the statdb will be cleaned to reclaim the storage used by historical data. Please save statdb by copying it somewhere else before running edstat -D.


Will dump the files in the journal that are pending the transfer. If -m/-M switches are used, the journal is dumped for the jobs in the range minjobid, maxjobid.


Will dump the files in the journal that have failed and are pending the transfer. If -m/-M switches are used, the journal is dumped for the jobs in the range minjobid, maxjobid.


Will dump statistics about the total bytes and byes transferred.


Will dump additional detailed stats that include transfer data.

-w password

This is the password for the source node or the Graphical User Interface. This will be verified against what is in $ED_BASE_DIR/etc/edpasswd on the source node.

The format of the password file is "hostnamepattern:password". The password file is a text file and the password is in clear text. Therefore the password file must be read only by the owner or system administrator.

If no password is specified and the edpasswd file is not found, the wild card "*" will be used as a password.

-s source_node

This is the file transfer source node that distributes the content to remote servers. The default is the localhost. The replication source node is also referred to as the manager node.

When using IPV6 you will need to specify the source_node in the format: IPV6%device (i.e -s fe80::3617:ebff:fe5b:e2ff%eth0 )

-l linkname

This is the name of the link we are controlling. If no "-l" options is specified, the default is "every" link in the configuration. You can use regular expressions for this parameter.

-r receiver

receiver is the hostname or IP of the remote receiver. This is identified by the hname="hostname" or hostname="nodename" in the receiver section of the configuration.

if no "-r" is specified, the default is all receivers in the configuration. You can use regular expressions for this parameter.

The parameter specified by -r must match what you have in the hname="parameter" or hostname="parameter" entry of your receiver entry in the configuration file eddist.cfg.

[-p port]

This is the port on which the manager node (source node) is listening for control commands.


Use ssl certificates




This will dump the state of the file transfer, replication and content distribution for all links and all receivers in a link.

edstat -l link1

This will dump the state of the file replication and content distribution for all receivers in link1.












The status is 0 on success.


ED_BASE_DIR: This is the name of the top directory where the file transfer, replication and content distribution software is installed. This directory will also contain various configuration, journals and log files.

ED_COLLECTOR_PORT: This environment variable is set to the port on which EnduraData eddist server listens to management commands. Set this environment variable to the port on which to listen for commands.

ED_DISTRIBUTION_PORT: This environment variable is set to the port on which EnduraData eddist server listens to data distribution services. Set this environment variable to the port on which to listen for data distribution connections.


For more information contact <>


A. A. El Haddi,