EnduraData EDpCloud File Replication and File Transfer Solutions


A brief intro to EDpCloud GUI


	This help section will cover the minimum configuration parameters. 
	Detailed documentation can be found  in the html documentation.
	Unix users have also access to manual pages in the traditional Unix man pages format.
	In this document and others, $ED_BASE_DIR means:  YourInstallDirectory/edpcloud
	If you installed in c:\enduradata then your ED_BASE_DIR is c:\enduradata\edpcloud. 
	The default content distribution configuration file is $ED_BASE_DIR/etc/eddist.cfg.

Log files

	edpcloud log files are located in $ED_BASE_DIR/logs

Configuration files

	Configuration files are located in $ED_BASE_DIR/etc 
	The following configuration files are used:

		eddist.cfg: main data distribution and backup network configuration
		edpasswd  : management password
		edfsmonitor.cfg: real time configuration file (Windows, Linux only)
		edscheduler.cfg:  replication schedule configuration file 
		excludes:    A file that contains regular expressions and file patterns to exclude from replication
		includes:    A file that contains regular expressions and file patterns to include replication (not needed)

	For more information please see "intro section"


	EnduraData's edpcloud uses a few terms that we will define here. More can be found in eddist.cfg html document.
	The term host, node, PC, or server will be used interchangeably.
	A host can be either a sender, a receiver or both.
	A link is a term used to create a logical grouping of one sender and one or many receivers.

	Each configuration has one or many hosts and one or many links.
	In order to use a host you need to add it (Add host (+)). Add as many hosts as your configuration will use.
	In order to use a link you need to add it and select the sending host and one or many receivers.
	You also need to add the link parameters.
	Required parameters are marked by a "*" next to them.
	In order to create a working configuration you need to load an existing configuration or create a new one. 

Link Name

	Used to label data sent from one sender to one or multiple receivers.
	sender: The host that sends the data to one or more receivers.
	receiver: The host that receives the data from one sender.
	A link has one sender.
	A link has one or more receivers.

File Paths

	These are used to filter in (inclusions) or out (exclusions) what is sent or what is received.

	a) include:  

	This is an expression that used to decide what to accept for inclusion in the data distribution.
	".*" stands for any character(wild card). You can group expressions by including them inside parentheses and 
	grouping them with the previous expressions using  a pipe symbol "|"

	Examples of includes:  
		"(C:\.*)|(D:\.*)"  means everything from drive C: or everything from drive D: 
              	"(C:\data\.*)|(C:\documents\.*)" means all files under C:\data\ or all files from C:\documents\  

	b) exclude:

	This is an expression used to reject and filter out file names. Any file name that matches the exclude expression
	will not be considered for distribution. 

	Examples of excludes:  
		Means exclude everything in diretory c:\temp and file c:\hiberfil.sys and anything under d:\privateinfo\

	If you have a large set of filters to include or exclude you can put them in a file and specify the name of the file
	in the "incfile" or "exfile" in the advanced section.
	Examples of include files and exclude files are under $ED_BASE_DIR\etc
	For more information, please read about regular expressions


	This is one of the passwords used for authentication between the sender and receiver. The password for both the 
	sender and the receiver must be the same.


	This parameter will be supplied by the sender to the receiver to identify itself on the receiver. This parameter is
	used only if the storage path has a reference to it and if the user has an account on the receiver.


	The alias is other names or IPs by which a host is known in the network. It can also be a pattern such as *.enduradata.com"
	or 192.168.100.*

	This is an alternate name for the sender. This alias can be used if many users are behind a firewall or a NAT or simply if
	you want to create a short configuration to allow all hosts from a single network to send to the same receiver. The alias is 
	very usefull when consolidatating or aggregating content from many hosts to a single host and want to store the incoming data 	      from each host on one host.
	The alias can be many expressions grouped by "|"



	Store path (storage path) is the name of the directory when the receiver will put incoming data. 
	The store path needs to be an absolute path name.
	The store path may contain macros that the receiver will substitue at run time. The following are examples of the
	macros supported:

	%ip% :  This pattern is substituted with  the senders IP.
	%home%: user home directory (must supply username). Username must exist on the receiver.
	%link%: Linkname
	%sender%: This pattern is substituted with the senders hostname.
	%receiver%: This pattern is substituted with the receivers hostname
	%link%: This pattern is substituted with the name of the link entry.
	%weekday%: This pattern is substituted with current week day (sunday-monday).
	%day%: This pattern is substituted with current day of the month.
	%date%: This pattern is substituted with current date (yyyymmdd format).
	%month%: This pattern is substituted with current month(1-12).
	%year%: This pattern is substituted with current year.
	%dayofyear%: This pattern is substituted with day of the year (1-365)
	%hour%: This pattern is substituted with current hour(0-23)
	%minute%: This pattern is substituted with current minute(0-59)
	%second%: This pattern is substituted with current second(0-59).

	For more information, see eddist.cfg documentation 

	Example 1:
		In this example the store path will resolve into something like "/home/backup/" if the sender's IP

	Example 2:
    		storepath="%home%/backup/%ip/%link%" Will result in
    		storepath="/home/ika/backup/192_168_19.10/atlanta" if your home dir was
                /home/ika and the senders IP was and your linkname was "atlanta".

Getting Started

	To get started, you can load an existing configuration and modify it by following steps:
	a. Load an existing configuration:  File -> Load Configuration -> go to "etc" directory and select one of the
	   eddist.cfg files and click Open
	b. Select a host and  click "Edit Host"
	c. You can add a new Host
	d. Add new hosts or delete some hosts
	e. Edit link or add new links
	f. Change passwords or storage path

Creating a new network configuration

	Click on "Network Configuration", then use the icons above the tabs:

	a. New Configuration 
	b. New host --> Enter hostname or IP (localhost for local machine)
	c. Repeat step b as needed to add as many hosts as you will use in your configuration.
	d. New Link --> Enter name link (no spaces)
	e. Select sender from the list of known hosts in the Identification Panel.
	f. Enter the password
	g. Enter the include pattern or ".*" (without the double quotes!) for everything
	h. Add a receiver by clicking the plus sign (above authentication panel).
	   (The sender and receiver need to have the same password).
           You can right click and copy/paste all parameters from one host to another if you position the mouse 
	   on top of the sender or receiver hostname tab.
	i. You must enter the storepath for each receiver
	j. hit ok when done
	f. Select one or more hosts or links from the right panel and hit "Apply Configuration" icon

Visual representation of your content distribution or backup

	You can view your graphical representation of the distribution network. 
	You can rearrange the placement of the hosts or the links. 
	You can also edit the hosts or the links and their parameters. 

Making the configuration take effect

	A configuration will not take effect until you apply it.
	You can not appy a configuration unless you have setup your server to allow it to apply configurations.
	If your configuration did not take effect you need to make sure that:

	1. $ED_BASE_DIR/etc/edpasswd has the right credentials. Your $ED_BASE_DIR/etc/edpasswd has 
           the correct authorisations (hostnamepatterns:password)
	2. Your server allows you to apply configurations (windows users use edparams.exe, Unix users check enduradata_env)
	3. You applied the configuration to the host in question
	4. Your firewall allows connections through the ports you are using (8888 and 9000 by defaults).

	In order for the configuration to be applied, you have to have the right permissions on the remote and localhosts.
	You need to connect locally to the remote host to change the edpasswd and to add authorized hosts.
	Windows users can also use edparams to change both the authorized hosts and the password.
	If all fails, examine the logs files in $ED_BASE_DIR/logs/ed_receiver*.log and in $ED_BASE_DIR/logs/ed_sender*.log

Distributing data or performing remote offsite backups

	a. Click on Initialize Distribution
	b. Select the trunk (link, receiver)
	d. Select the directory or simply type the name if you are managing a remote location (no browsing allowed to remote locations).
	e. Click "Start Distribution icon"

	The same panel allows you to pause or resume distribution.

Creating a schedule for automated data distribution or remote backup

	You can automate data distribution and backups or other operations by creating a schedule as follows: 

	a. click on "Scheduler" tab
	b. on the left panel, select the operation type
	c. select the link, receiver, days, times, etc (The sender is selcted automatically from the link).
	d. click create
	e. repeat as needed.
	f. save

	You need to create a separate schedule on each sender host.
	You can schedule three types of operations via the GUI: Distribution, Pause or Resume.
	Pause will pause replication. Resume will resume replication.
	You can add other operations to the scheduler manually.
	The scheduler can not be edited unless you are directly on the machine you are scheduling distribution from.

Changing the GUI Editable Components

	This GUI is a dynamic GUI. You can add parameters that can be configured by 
	editing "$ED_BASE_DIR/etc/app_conf.xml".
	Please make a backup of the file before you edit the original file. $ED_BASE_DIR/etc/app_conf.xml is not 
	the data distribution configuration file but is the GUI configuration file. 


	Feel free to send questions or suggestions to support@enduradata.com 

Other documents

Copyright(2010) EnduraData Inc.
Technical support: support@enduradata.com
Sales: sales@enduradata.com
Main support line: 1-952-746-4160