edstage - Staging scripts for EnduraData File replication and Synchronization software
eddist_stage.bat for windows eddist_stage.sh for mac, linux, solaris, AIX ed_receiver_stage.bat for windows ed_receiver_stage.sh for mac, linux, solaris, AIX
ed*stage* Are scripts that will allow you to stage certain events at the start of data replication and file transfer. The staging scripts allow you to:
The staging scripts run when the sender and when the receiver start. The scripts should not include commands that take a long time to execute under windows otherwise the service will fail. The scripts are meant to prepare for edpcloud operations.
Although EnduraData advises against replicating data to UNC and CIFS mapped drives(because of the NTFS overhead), a common use for these scripts under Windows is to map UNC paths or CIFS network drives in order for the services to have access to them.
This script runs on the sender side. It can be used to map drives if such drives will be used by replication. A common use is to mount NAS appliances or other remote file systems.
This script runs on the receiver side. It can be used to map drives if such drives will be used by replication as a destination path. A common use is to mount NAS appliances or other remote file systems.
The stage scripts and other scripts that may contain passwords should be made read only by the system administrator and should not be writable. These scripts may be a security risk.
The original scripts contain examples of mapping drives under windows.
The status is 0 on success.
ED_BASE_DIR: This is the name of the top directory where the content distribution software is installed. This directory will also contain various configuration, journals and log files.
For more information contact <support@enduradata.com>
A. A. El Haddi, elhaddi@ieee.org