Resume EnduraData Content Distribution.

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edresume - Resume File Sync, Replication, Transfer and Content Distribution


edresume [-l linkname] [-L * | -L linkname] [-r receiver] [-s source_node ] [-p port ] [-w password]


edresume is the command line interface for resuming file synchronization, transfer and data replication.

edresume allows you to resume file synchronization. This command resumes file replication that was paused previously by invoking edpause. Any journaled content will resume distribution immediately after you execute edresume. This command has no effect if file and folder synchronization is not paused.



This will resume the file system change monitor notifications to data synchronization manager.

-w password

This is the password for the source node or the Graphical User Interface. This will be verified against what is in $ED_BASE_DIR/etc/edpasswd on the source node. The format of the password file is "hostnamepattern:password". The password file is a text file and the password is in clear text. Therefore the password file must be read only by the owner or system administrator.

If no password is specified and the edpasswd file is not found, the wild card "*" will be used as a password.

-s source_node

This is the source node that distributes the content. The default is the localhost. The source node is also referred to as the manager node. Content distribution will be resumed from the specified source node for the specified link and receiver.

-L '*' | -L linkname

Resume the receiving updates for link given (linkname) or for all links (*) for current receiver where edresume is executed. A paused receiver will not accept any connections from the sender until edresume -L * | edresume -L linkname is executed on the receiver. This is useful if you want to isolate this receiver from receiving data. Use this command in a schedule to shield this receiver from remote updates between intervals of times. Note that '*' must be in single or double quotes.

-l linkname

This is the name of the file transfer link we are controlling.

The receiver/destination host and directories are identified by a linkname and a hostname. Linknames are unique across a configuration. The wild card ".*" indicates that the command will be applied to all links. You can also use regular expressions. For instance, you can use -l "casa.*" to match all links that start with the word casa. If no link is specified, the default is to resume replication and synchronization for the specified receivers for all links (.*) in a configuration.

-r receiver

receiver is the hostname or IP of the remote file receiver. This is identified by the hname="hostname" or hostname="nodename" in the receiver section of the configuration. The wild card ".*" indicates that the command will be applied to all receivers. This is the default. You can also use regular expressions for the receiver name. For example, you can use -r * to match all receivers on the noaa network or 192.168.* to match nodes with IP's in the range to

The parameter specified by -r must match what you have in the hname="parameter" or hostname="parameter" entry of your receiver entry in the your synchronization configuration file eddist.cfg.

[-p port]

This is the port on which the manager node (source node) is listening for control commands.


Use ssl certificates



This will resume file replication to all links and all receivers. If a password file exists we will use the password from it, otherwise we will assume that this is not password protected.

edresume -l tokyo -r -w secretword

This causes the local host to resume data synchronization for link tokyo to receiver

The password used is secretword.

edresume -l link1 -r bridge2 -s -w mypassword

This will resume data replication from to link1 and receiver bridge2, using password mypassword.

edresume -r * -s

This will resume data synchronization from to all links and registered receivers in the domain.

Example of a crontab entry for Linux/Mac/Unix users

This entry in crontab shows how replication for link casablanca and receiver will be paused at 16:30 and resumed at 21:00 every day of the year. Windows users can also use the at command or the job scheduler console for this.

30 16 * * * edpause -l casablanca -r
0 21 * * * edresume -l casablanca -r












The status is 0 on success.


ED_BASE_DIR: This is the name of the top directory where the file replication, transfer and content distribution software is installed. This directory will also contain various configuration, journals and log files.

ED_COLLECTOR_PORT: This environment variable is set to the port on which EnduraData eddist server listens to management commands. Set this environment variable to the port on which to listen for commands.

ED_DISTRIBUTION_PORT: This environment variable is set to the port on which EnduraData eddist server listens to data distribution services. Set this environment variable to the port on which to listen for data distribution connections.


For more information contact <>


A. A. El Haddi,