EnduraData file sender

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ed_sender - File sync: Send Entire Files or deltas, compare local directory with a remote destination path


ed_sender [-l linkname] [-r receiver] [-p port ] -i filelist]|-c comparepath -a cmpsummary -s status [ -D ] [ -M ] [-C oldpatern] [-T new pattern ] [-O outfile ] [-K] [-S timeout_inseconds]


ed_sender Allows you to sync files to a remote site (data synchronization). The files are copied entirely or are updated by sending the deltas to the remote site. ed_sender can also be used to compare a local file or directory with the content of a remote server. ed_sender must be used in conjunction with eddist to maximize performance.


-i filelist

This is the list of files to be synchronized. This option is mutually exclusive with -c option. Data synchronization of files in the filelist will be performed immediately.

-c file_or_dir

This is the name of a file or a directory to be compared with the content of the remote directory on the receiver. This option is mutually exclusive with -i option.

-s status

This is the result/log of what will take place during data synchronization or during file comparison. The results show the worst case scenario.

-a summary

When comparing files or directories with a remote receiver, this will be the name of a file that will have a brief summary of the comparison and simulated synchronization results.

-l linkname

This is the name of the link we are controlling.

The receiver/destination host and directories are identified by a linkname and a hostname. Link names are unique across a configuration. See eddist.cfg for more information.

-r receiver

receiver is the hostname or IP of the remote receiver. It must match what is in the receiver section of eddist.cfg This is identified by the hname="hostname" or hostname="nodename" in the receiver section of the configuration.

The parameter specified by -r must match what you have in the hname="parameter" or hostname="parameter" entry of your receiver entry in the configuration file eddist.cfg.

[-p port]

This is the port on which the receiving node is listening for synchronization messages.

-O outputfile

Store output of the operation in outputfile. If outputfile exists it will be overwritten.

-C oldpattern

Change oldpattern in the listed file to new pattern specified by -T.

-T newpattern

Change oldpattern specified by -C in the listed files to tnew pattern specified by -T.

-T stands for translate, strip or substitute.

This name translation is useful because edpcloud appends the source path to the destination path, thus the remote listing will have a pattern like storepath\sourcepath. For example if the source path is /home and the destination path is /homebackup then /home will be located under /homebackup/home. So in this case we will need to translate /homebackup to "" using (-M) to get the original path /home.

-M remotepath

This option will get the list of all files present on remotepath on the remote machine indicated by -r but not present on the local machine. This option must be used with -C and -T to adjust the paths and substitute patterns.

Example for Linux/Unix

ed_sender -M /home/test6/home/ -r orion -l link2 -O /tmp/del -C "/home/test6" -T ""

Here the remote path is indicated with -M. The remote receiver server is indicated with -r. The replication link is link2.

This will create two files, one is /tmp/del which has the entire content of /home/test6/home/ (obtained from remote server orion) and /tmp/del_edpcloud.mismatch which will contain the files that need to be deleted on the remote machine (orion in this case) in order to have an exact mirror. Once you verify the files, you can queue them using edq -r orion -l link2 -f /tmp/del_edpcloud.mismatch -R Alternatively you can use -D option to queue files without manual verification.

Example for windows

The following will get a list of files present on server orion but are not present on the local machine. ed_sender -M c:\backup\c\data -r orion -l link2 -O flist1 -C "backup\c" -T ""


c:\backup\c\data is the destination directory that exists on orion. Once we get the remote listing we will substitute "backup\c" (specified with -C) with "" (specified with -T) to compare it with c:\data after substitution.

This command will generate two files: One is flist1 and one that is named flist1_edpcloud.mismatch. flist1 will contain the list of all files under c:\backup\c\data on the remote machine. flist1_edpcloud.mismatch will contain a list of files that contain files present on the remote machine orion but are not present on the local machine under c:\data".

Please note that after we substitute "backup\c" (-C ) with "" (-M) in c:\backup\c\data we have the original path.


The remote path (argument -M ) must match an entry in the includes of the remote server. The source path (argument -C ) must match an entry in the includes of the remote server and the source server. For windows, make sure you use double slash in path names in the includes file (i.e c:\\dirname\\.* instead of c:\dirname\.*). This is a common error that we see for windows.


BE WARNED: This is a very dangerous option. Use at your own risk. It works in conjunction with -M -O. You can cause a disaster if you do not know what you are doing or if you make a mistake. For example you may delete contents on the remote system if you specify the wrong -M or the wrong -C or the wrong -T parameters.

Please do not use -D until you verify the content of filename_edpcloud.mismatch (where filename is specified with -O).

These options instruct the system to delete files present on the remote directory specified by -M but not present the directory specified by -C on the local machine. It is better to do this in a two step process using edq rather than do it as a one swoop.

ed_sender -M /home/test6/home/ -r orion -l link2 -D -O /tmp/del -C "/home/test6" -T ""

This will find the files present on host orion under /home/test6/home specified with (-M) and change any occurrence of "/home/test6" (specified with -C) with "" (specified with -T) and store the results under /tmp/del. Files that are present on the remote but are missing on the local machine will be marked for deletion.

Both the delete="1" and forcedelete="1" must be set in eddist.cfg for the deletes to take effect on the remote (with -D or with -R flags in ed_sender)


Use this flag to keep a record of the file name containing the remote directory content. Normally the file specified by -O is deleted but the filename_edpcloud_mismatch is kept. use -K to keep both.

-S timeout

Use timeout in seconds. If the remote content is large you will need to use a longer timeout (in seconds). You can also set the timeout in the environment (or registry in windows) or in eddist.cfg using timeout="value".













The status is 0 on success.


ED_BASE_DIR: This is the name of the top directory where the file replication and content distribution software is installed. This directory will also contain various configuration, journals and log files.

ED_COLLECTOR_PORT: This environment variable is set to the port on which EnduraData eddist server listens to management commands. Set this environment variable to the port on which to listen for commands.

ED_DISTRIBUTION_PORT: This environment variable is set to the port on which EnduraData eddist server listens to data distribution services. Set this environment variable to the port on which to listen for data distribution connections.


For more information contact <support@enduradata.com>


A. A. El Haddi, elhaddi@ieee.org