edcryptor - Encrypt or Decrypt files or directories recursively.
edcryptor -e sourcename -o encrypted_destname -k key
edcryptor -d sourcename -o decrypted_destname -k key
edcryptor is a command that allows users to encrypt or decrypt files and entire directories
Will encrypt the file or the directory named sourcename. Users who want to use encryption for their data movement and distribution should look in the eddist.cfg documentation. Files encrypted by edpcloud can also be decrypted by edcryptor
Will decrypt the file or the directory named sourcename.
The name where the encrypted/decrypted file or directory will be stored.
This is your encryption key. If you are encrypting data, you will need to remember this key and reuse the same key to decrypt the data.
This will encrypt yourfile and put it in encrypted using a secret key called "yoursecret".
This will decrypt encrypted file (yourfile_encrypted) and store the new decrypted file in yourfile_plain using the same secret key that was used to encrypt yourfile.
This utility is part of EDpCloud. $ED_BASE_DIR/etc/edlicense
The status is 0 on success.
ED_BASE_DIR: This is the name of the top directory where EnduraData software( such as EDpCloud) is installed.
For more information see https://www.enduradata.com