Put/Get configurations and restore files

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edmanage - File Transfer Management tool


edmanage [-l linkname] [-r receiver] [-s source_node ] [-p port ] [-w password] -G|P cmd -f filename {-o listingfile -S getdirstattusfile] >

cmd is one of :

Where cmd is one of the following:

'C' for eddist.cfg xml configuration to put(P) or get (G)
'S' for Schedule configuration to put(P) or get (G)
'R' for realtime configuration to put(P) or get (G)
'P' for password file to put(P) or get (G)
'I' for include file to put(P) or get (G)
'X' for exclude file to put(P) or get (G)
'D' Recursive listing of what is specified by -f
'L' List of what is specified by -f
'F' Get directory content . You must specify -f filename. filename must be under storepath.
   You can use -o outfilename to redirect output of D and L to a file. Outfilename will not be overwritten 

-l linkname: linkname is the linkname. It is required when cmd is equal to F.

-r receivername:

This is the receiver hostname from/to which we need to connect to get or put a configuration file or from which to restore the data.

-p port:

This is the data distribution port.

-w password:

This is the password. We will normally default to using what is in etc/edpasswd.

-G cmd:

Get what is specified by cmd. cmd can be one of the parameters specified in the cmd section above.

-P cmd:

Put a configuration file on the remote server. cmd will specify the type of configuration to put.


Example: To get the schedule file: -G s -f /tmp/schedulefile

Example: To put the schedule file: -P s -f /tmp/newschedulefile

Example: To List the content of /home recursively: -G D -f /home -o /tmp/list.log

Example: Non recursive List of /home: -G L -f /home -o /tmp/list.log

Example: To restore /home/foo: -l l2 -r u32 -G F -f /home/foo -o /home2/restore -S /tmp/restore_status.log

Both the link and the receiver are required for restore (-G F)
















The status is 0 on success.


ED_BASE_DIR: This is the name of the top directory where the content distribution software is installed. This directory will also contain various configuration, journals and log files.

ED_COLLECTOR_PORT: This environment variable is set to the port on which EnduraData eddist server listens to management commands. Set this environment variable to the port on which to listen for commands.

ED_DISTRIBUTION_PORT: This environment variable is set to the port on which EnduraData eddist server listens to data distribution services. Set this environment variable to the port on which to listen for data distribution connections.

ED_GET_ANY_PATH: This environment variable when set, lets the server know that we can list and retrieve files not under $ED_BASE_DIR/etc or storepath. It is set to 0 by default.


For more information about how to configure or manage your file replication and transfer contact <support@enduradata.com>


A. A. El Haddi, elhaddi@ieee.org
Z. Baani zak@enduradata.com
S. Dimitri, sdimitri@enduradata.com
A. Taouil ataouil@enduradata.com