What is Health Information Exchange? Health Information Exchange (HIE) is the electronic transfer of medical information between patients and various …
The Rise of Ransomware: Backup and protect your data before you are forced to pay up
Backup and protect your data before Cryptolocker ransomware locks you out? Nicole Preston, EnduraData Communications npreston@enduradata.com Introduction to Ransomware As …
Online Backup and Sync Data at Blazing Speed with EDpCloud
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 11, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — EnduraData, Inc. (www.enduradata.com), a leader in file sync and online backup software, data replication and …
Case Study: EnduraData data replication software deployed by a top 10 health care company
Eden Prairie, MN: EndurData has announced that a top 10 health care company, with revenues in excess of $17 Billion, …
New EDpCloud File Transfer Between Public and Private Clouds
EDpCloud™ File Transfer is a cross platform file sync solution that allows people to synchronize data automatically between heterogeneous platforms …
Linux real-time file replication and synchronization software
Linux Real Time File Replication Installation and Configuration In this article, I will discuss how to configure EDpCloud Linux Real …
Data leaks continue to mount
Data leaks continued to mount in 2015 In January 2015, I received four consecutive new debit cards. Each was a …
A financial institution’s file sync led to a disaster
The cash cow is sick: Data access is the bottleneck but file sync almost killed it Mark’s team of developers …
A new Minnesota email backup and retention policy: delete it all
A new report by Curtis Gilbert from Minnesota Public Radio Indicated that the cities and counties around the state of …
Endurance and the Evolution of Knowledge
This blog post was inspired by the The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge where we were encouraged to post a …
File Sync, File Transfer and File Replication Software Version 4.2.2 Is Available
A Leaner and Faster EDpCloud™ Enterprise File Sync and File Replication Software Is Available The new version of the enterprise …
Governance and defects: Not a one time activity but some think it is.
Do you have people like these in your organization? Tell us more or suggest a cartoon to how some …
EnduraData story: why file replication and synchronization software?
Note: A reprint of an article from 2013 by Steve Olinger (SJO) “For every complex problem there is a simple …
Bob deletes all data to make room for big data
A reminder to protect your data from accidental deletion, malice or from inexperienced staff.
Bob the un-system administrator
After deleting all files, Bob is giving a presentation to the executives. But a surprise is in the corner. Do …