EnduraData file replication and synchronization support many configurations, allowing users to solve many problems. The following are some of them:
One-to-one file replication
In this mode, one server replicates data to another server. This can be used for backup and data protection.
Bidirectional file replication and mirroring
In this case, any file changes in one computer are applied to the other peer computer. This is also called file mirroring.
Many-to-one file replication
In this case, many servers synchronize files to one remote server. This is used to back up many servers to another computer. Multiple servers can also be replicated to one or more servers for data protection or to aggregate data, bringing it from multiple sites to a single site.
One to many file replication
One-to-many file sync is used to send data from one location to multiple locations for backup or for data distribution to make data available on many sites.
Mesh data replication
In a mesh, the above configurations can be combined to create replication topologies and solve many challenges businesses and governments face.
EnduraData provides data replication solutions for Windows, Linux, and other UNIX flavors.
Contact EnduraData to start your trial, or call +1-952-746-4160 for additional information.
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