EnduraData: EDpCloud File Replication Use Case in Manufacturing

aRoot automatic file transfer


Manufacturers need to replicate massive amounts of data and distribute it securely between contries, not only for business continuity but for workflow purposes.


Manufacturers constantly generate data in many plants and office locations. Sources may be sensors on the manufacturing floor, new engineering designs, financial data, sales proposals, etc. The majority of the data is in an unstructured format.


The amount of data within a manufacturer is increasing at an exponential rate and net profits depend on leveraging it. This “Big Data” expansion creates new challenges, which include:

  • Sharing data across national and international networks in a timely and secure fashion
  • Providing enterprise back up and business continuity capabilities
  • Facilitating consolidation and aggregation from disparate systems and different locations
  • Leveraging data for faster and effective decision making
  • Costs, risks of errors, of loss and of breaches during data transmission are likely to be high.

There are a range of approaches to address some of the issues discussed above. But up to this point, few are available, without scripting or other manual methods to avoid errors, reduce costs and deliver data in a timely manner while addressing all of the data and file format requirements across multiple operating systems and platforms.


EnduraData has developed and successfully implemented an automated, secure cross platform data transport solution that helps in the consolidation of all forms of data from different systems. EDpCloud is available on Solaris, Linux, Mac, Windows, AIX and UNIX and runs on Intel and IBM Power platforms. The result is an effective means of data synchronization over the Internet and private networks. The file replication software uses enhanced forms of encryption and automatic data movement for secure backup, recovery, aggregation and migration capabilities.


Companies can now share data between sites faster and with the confidence that it will be secured, transmitted, stored and organized for business continuity, storage and effective decision making.

Need more information about how to leverage file replication in Manufacturing?

For additional information and understanding how this may apply to your company:

  • Check https://www.enduradata.com
  • Email us at sales@enduradata.com
  • Call us at (952) 746-4160.
EnduraData: EDpCloud File Replication Use Case in Manufacturing was last modified: August 19th, 2019 by aRoot

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