EDpCloud v 4.1.9 Increases Data Synchronization Speeds, Reliability and Adds Redundant Network Paths

aRoot data synchronization

Eden Prairie, MN  Dec 17, 2014

EnduraData improves performance of bidirectional cross platform file replication and data synchronization speed, adds redundant network paths and supports even larger file sizes.

EDpCloud data synchronization speed

Version 4.1.9 of EDpCloud improves cross platform file replication and data synchronization speed between geographic sites,  between private clouds, public clouds and hybrid clouds. Furthermore, EDpCloud improves reliability and performance, adds very large file support for both virtual and physical machines.

The new version of EnduraData EDpCloud improves the performance of data synchronization between Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris and traditional proprietary UNIX platforms.  The Solution:

  •     Moves entire virtual machines and data to other virtual or physical machines
  •     Synchronizes data between physical machines
  •     Synchronizes data between virtual machines
  •     Support synchronization of files larger than 132 GB.
  •     Improves transfer speeds for networks with high latency
  •     Provides network alternate paths and deals with network outages
  •     Improves bandwidth utilization
  •     Deals effectively with bandwidth throttling.

Version 4.1.9 of EDpCloud allows users to synchronize data automatically and securely between geographic sites,  distribute and replicate data from one site to many remote sites and from many remote sites to a single site (Big Data aggregation and backup consolidation). EDpCloud synchronizes data automatically  and securely between different heterogeneous operating systems and remote private, public and hybrid cloud regions using  Linux, Windows, Mac, Solaris and other major proprietary UNIX platforms.

Whether a business is moving data to break silos and speed-up decision making or is trying to protect data against loss, avoid or tolerate disasters, EDpCloud is a cost effective solution for companies with multiple branch offices and multiple operating systems.

Download your free trial copy now and help your company or agency break silos, improve decision making and protect its digital assets and intellectual property.

EnduraData Information:

EnduraData is one of Minnesota’s first pioneers of secure large scale cross operating system and inter-site data replication, real time sync and file transfer software. EDpCloud bridges the gap between data creation and decision making process.

EnduraData’s leadership team draws on more than 25 years of experience in R&D, in Universities, Government, National Labs, and Industry where the founders and engineers implemented solutions that powered critical applications.

EnduraData designs and markets data management solutions that enable government agencies and businesses to automate processes, migrate and explore patterns in data, synchronize data continuously between different operating systems, hardware platforms, networks and geographic regions for decision making and operational efficiency.

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EDpCloud v 4.1.9 Increases Data Synchronization Speeds, Reliability and Adds Redundant Network Paths was last modified: August 19th, 2019 by aRoot

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