EDpCloud Online Backup License, Install and Uninstall notes.


01. Install/uninstall File Replication Software

Before you install EDpCloud online backup and file sync software, you will need to accept the license agreement:

Read EnduraData EDpCloud License Agreement

Before installing a new version of EDpCloud, save all configuration files located under etc directory and follow these steps:

Download EDpCloud First

02. Installing EDpCloud Software

Click here for installation and configuration notes.

See how you can install and configure in less than 5 minutes.

03. How to uninstall EDpCloud On Unix/Linux/Mac

Lets assume


Make sure INSTALLDIR contains only EDpCloud backup and folder sync software (to avoid removing your other files)

cd /tmp

$INSTALLDIR/edpcloud/bin/edpcloud.sh stopall || exit 1


04. How to uninstall on Windows

->Allprograms -> EnduraData->Uninstall

This will stop EDpcloud first then run the uninstall script
After the uninstaller is done, remove the top enduradata directory.

Post Instal & configuration

01. Post Install for Unix/Linux/Mac Users

Once you install, please copy the attached license file to:


and run:  

$ED_BASE_DIR/bin/edpcloud.sh restartall

02. Post Install for Windows Users

Once you install, please copy the attached license file to


 and restartall using the following:


Now browse to:https://hostname_or_localhost to configure.

03. Configuration

  • Browse to https://localhost
  • Change the default password
  • Add a sender
  • Add one or more receivers
  • Apply the configuration
  • Create a replication schedule to synchronize data automatically


Please feel free to email support if you need any assistance or call us for a free consultation.
Phone: 952-746-4160

EnduraData, Inc.
6440 Flying cloud drive, 210.
Eden Prairie, MN 55344

Contact support now
EDpCloud Online Backup License, Install and Uninstall notes. was last modified: January 10th, 2020 by S. Dimitri