1. EDpCloud file synchronization software
The following are brief notes about installing and configuring of EDpCloud file synchronization and Linux file replication software.
In all of the following, edbasedir means where you installed EDpCloud software (Under Linux, UNIX, Windows edpbasedir is specified in ED_BASE_DIR environment variable)
Under edbasedir, you will find the following sub-directories:
- $edpcloud/etc : we will refer to this as etc
- $edpcloud/doc : we will refer to this as doc
- $edpcloud/bin : we will refer to this as bin
*** Important note: For path names, if you are under windows, use \ as a path separator ***
2. Download a new EDpCloud file synchronization software license
You will need to download a license and copy it to edbasedir/edpcloud/etc/edlicense
after you have installed the software. Some firewalls will rename the file. So make sure the name is edlicense and not edlicense.someotherextension.
PS: Important notice: when you register for the download, if you provided a business or government email, you will receive a license (Modified July 2024)
3. Download the correct file synchronization software for your platform
Visit the following link to download the software. You will need to register before downloading.https://www.enduradata.com/crossplatform-data-distribution-software-download-now
Make sure to download the file replication software for your specific platform.
Pay special attention to whether you are running a 64 bit or a 32 bit
operating system. 32 bit versions have the word x86 in them. 64 bit
versions have the word 64 bit in them. This applies to Windows and Linux file replication software.
- To verify your OS on Solaris/Linux/Unix/Mac/UNIX: uname -a
- To verify your OS on Windows, visit Windows: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/find-out-32-or-64-bit
4. Installing File Synchronization on Windows
Double click on the EDpCloud file synchronization package that you downloaded. The file is zipped, therefore you need to double click again on the executable to run the setup.
Your virus scanner may warn you, proceed if you downloaded the software from https://www.enduradata.com
- Accept the defaults for your first install
- Copy the new license to the etc directory
- Restart all servers using the command line: edrestartall:
You can restart the servers using the start button on the left hand bottom
corner of windows.
- start/all programs/enduradata/edpcloud/Start EnduraData Servers
- Now browse to https://machinename (See the configuration section)
5. Installating EDpCloud file replication software for Linux, Mac, Solaris, AIX and other Unix platforms
Download the appropriate tar gzipped file replication software package for your platform. The file was tared using GNU tar, hence if your tar is not GNU compliant use gtar to untar.
- cd /tmp
- rm -fr enduradata_edpcloud
- tar xzvf edpcloud*yourplatform*.tar.gz
- cd enduradata_edpcloud
- ./install.sh
- Accept the defaults for now
Repeat the installation process for all the machines that you intend to use for file synchronization and data replication. Make sure that all the hosts that you will use in the file replication configuration have the same password. See edpasswd using the man pages or the HTML documentation.
Start the servers:
- cd basedir/edpcloud/bin
- . ./edpcloud.sh startall ( Note the . space . )
let’s assume you installed it on “machinename-or-ip”
Now browse to https://machinename-or-ip to configure your file synchronization software (i.e https://localhost).
Seasoned administrators may want to head to the $edpcloud/etc directory and use vi to create a configuration (or use the GUI).
To view full screen: (a) Click on the image, then (b) Hit Enter key
This is another video clip for windows installation and configuration of the file replication software on windows:
6. Configuring EDpCloud file synchronization and data replication software
EDpCloud file synchronization software uses a configuration file called edbasedir/edpcloud /etc/eddist.cfg. You can create eddist.cfg using a text editor or the GUI (by browsing to https://machinename).
Important note: although your machine was set up to be configured only from localhost (until you change nginx.conf), change your password immediately as follows:
Browse to https:/machinename-or-ip, click on Advanced tab and then on UI password to change the GUI password. Unless you do, that someone may configure your machine to receive data from a remote server.
The following is an example of a configuration.
Example of a simpleEDpCloud file sync configuration
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <config name="simple" password="Zlinkpassword" > <link name="tokyo" > <sender hostname="tokyo.enduradata.com" /> <receiver hostname="london.enduradata.com" storepath="/home/reports/london" /> </link> </config>
A link is a logical way of associating one data sender (A host used to send files) with one or more data receivers (fi;e receiver).
In the previous configuration, the host tokyo.enduradata.com will send files to london.enduradata.com. The host london will store all data received in /home/reports/london.
After creating a configuration in the GUI you need to “apply it”.
If you are using the command line interface instead of a GUI: edit eddist.cfg then type edpcloud.sh restartall
7. Setting up the environment and paths under EDpCloud Mac/AIX/Solaris/UNIX/Linux File Replication
Source in the env file by executing:
- . basedir/edpcloud/bin/enduradata_env
- You will need to source in this file from your .profile or .bashrc
8. EDpCloud file synchronization and data replication online documentation
EDpCloud documentation is available under the docs subdirectory. It comes in two
- Man pages for UNIX/Linux: start with man eddist.cfg
HTML for all platforms.
9. Getting additional help with your PC and Server file synchronization from EnduraData
Additional articles:
See an example of a simple configuration of EDpCloud data synchronization software.
Our support and engineering team would love to help you get started and to figure out if EDpCloud is the right solution for the problems you are trying to solve.
Please tell us how we are doing. We appreciate your feedback. Please be part of our future. Help us continue to deliver what you want when you want it.
Contact support@enduradata.com
Thanks again.
–EnduraData, Inc Support Team
Phone: 952-746-4160
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