About Enterprise Data Replication Software For Linux, Windows, Mac, Solaris, AIX and UNIX
Replicate and synchronize data between different operating systems
EnduraData EDpCloud real time data replication software will sync data automatically between Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris, AIX, OpenBSD, etc.
The data replication software mirrors data between servers or virtual machines located on premise, in different data centers or in different clouds.
EnduraData software suite allows you to replicate data between these operating systems:
- Linux
- Windows
- Mac
- Aix
- OpenBSD
- Solaris x86
- Solaris Sparc
- Others as requested.
LAN WAN single site or multi-site file replication
EnduraData EDpCloud data replication software allows you to replicate servers, laptops and VMs using these methods:
- In real time
- On demand
- In a scheduled fashion
- From applications and scripts.
- Replicate data within a LAN
- Replicate data between LANs
- Replicate data over private or public networks
Automatic, on demand and real time data replication software
The data replication software mirrors data between servers or virtual machines located on premise, in different data centers or in different clouds.
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Uses of EDpCloud data replication software
- End point data protection
- Data migration
- Data aggregation
- Workflow automation
- Data sharing between systems & applications
- Data delivery
- Remote data copy.
Flexible topologies and configurations
EDpCloud data replication suite allows you to replicate data in these modes:
- Bidirectional data replication
- One to one replication
- Many to one replication (multiple nodes to a single node, server, VM, …)
- One to many replication (i.e distribute data from one place or server to many locations or servers)
- On premise to cloud replication
- Cloud to cloud replication
- VM to VM replication
- VM to physical server replication
- Physical server to VM replication.
Flexible data replication and file synchronization software
- This is an enterprise file level replication software solution for Linux, Windows, Mac, Solaris, etc
- You install it on your existing servers
- We provide no hosting. You provide your own
- We will assist you to install and configure
- We replicate over private or public networks
- You can use private or public clouds
- You can replicate over a LAN or WAN
- You can replicate over short or long distances
- You can mix and match between on premise and the cloud.
Cross Platform Automatic Data Synchronization Solution

A Large Healthcare payer and provider deployed EDpCloud to mirror and synchronize files in real time between Linux Clusters, Servers and Virtual Machines.
Read how a very large health care payer and provider company (with tens of billions of dollars in revenues) is using EDpCloud data replication software to automate health information exchange and business processes. Find out more about how the customer used EDpCloud bidirectional Linux file replication to solve bidirectional file synchronization challenges and to automate business processes.
Read the health care file mirroring and health information exchange
Enterprise File Mirroring by a Clinical Research Organization
A global Clinical Research Organization (CRO) deployed EDpCloud to mirror files between Canada and Bogota (Colombia). Files are mirrored in real time between Windows servers located in Bogota and Montreal. Any file changes that happen in Canada are mirrored to Colombia and vice-versa. This is a case of Windows bidirectional real-time file replication and directory synchronization.
NB: Synchronise and Synchronize words are a British variant of synchronization, synchronize. So we use both terms.
EDpCloud is a data replication software. The enterprise data synchronization software automates and secures file synchronization, remote backup between geographic sites and heterogeneous platforms.
Mirror files and synchronize data between different operating systems, remote offices, partners and various stake holders. Change files in one location and let EDpCloud sync them across the globe.
This is a software only solution. Install EDpCloud data replication software on your own servers, VMs, PCs or laptops and you can sync between your sites, public or private clouds and different operating systems.
Enterprise Data Synchronization Software: Use EDpCloud to backup your data, sync files for data recovery and for process automation
Use EDpCloud encrypted file sync and data synchronization software for secure and remote automatic backup. The automatic file transfer, and folder replication software synchronizes and transfers data automatically and securely anywhere.
When Stern Architects needed to move data from a very large storage device to a new vendor, they used EDpCloud to make the over in a single weekend with no down time.
EDpCloud™ Automatic Online Server Backup, File Transfer, Folder Sync and File Replication Software for Data Protection
EDpCloud™ is a data synchronization software. It is a cross platform file sync solution that allows you to synchronize data a automatically between heterogeneous platforms and between geographic sites.
EDpCloud allows agencies and enterprises to keep data synchronized between systems and between geographic sites while reducing risks of data loss and of data leaks. The automated data synchronization and file replication software solution helps increase operational efficiency while protecting digital assets from loss and from leaks. With the automatic backup software, data recovery is simple and takes no time since the data is usable and no restore is needed.

Automatic file level server replication software
EDpCloud File Transfer and Data Replication Software For End to End Data Protection
EDpCloud uses automatic file level replication to synchronize and backup only the portions of the files that changed. The solution works on Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris, AIX and other UNIX.
You can backup your windows machines to Linux, Solaris, Mac, AIX and vice-versa.
EDpCloud allows organizations to sync and move data between systems, clouds(public and private) and between geographic regions, branch offices, securely and automatically.
EDpCloud is used to backup and to protect data and to automate small to large files transfers. It eliminates errors and risks associated with manual data synchronization and file transfer. The solution distributes and aggregates content between servers and systems (backup consolidation, content aggregation).
Whether you want to transfer a few data sets every minute, or to synchronize an an entire data repository with remote locations frequently, or to migrate a large data repository or reservoir, EDpCloud reduces costs and risks by automating the data movement through its accelerated and secure file and data transfer technology.

EDpCloud is an enterprise grade automatic file sync and data transfer solution. It is fault tolerant and is reliable. The continuous end to end data protection and synchronization solution keeps your data protected and accessible by authorized users
Continuous real time server replication
Configure EDpCloud to continuously send file changes to one or more locations. The remote location(s) can be another branch office, another data centre, a private cloud or a public cloud. EDpCloud can create file archives as well, hence allowing users to recover various versions of deleted or lost files.
Users have access to previous file versions directly on the remote data servers. Use EDpCloud for PC backup, Laptop and Server online backup or to keep branch offices synchronized in real time between remote sites in different cities.
EDpCloud gives companies full control over their digital assets. All data is encrypted in transit, admins decide if files should be decrypted at rest or remain encrypted. Only authorized staff has access to data.
EDpCloud uses standard openssl for encryption. EDpCloud uses a high speed data transfer protocol instead of FTP or HTTP.

A Faster Real Time and Scheduled Replication Software for Backup and Automation
Under Windows and Linux, EDpCloud replicates and backs up your data in real time or in a scheduled mode or both. You decide what data to replicate and backup in real time and EDpCloud does the rest.
EDpCloud replication software moves only file changes. Adaptive compression and parallel streams are used to minimize bandwidth utilization, to maximize file transfer speeds and to reduce the backup time.This allows you to reduce transfer times significantly unlike FTP, HTTP and many other single stream based transfers. The unique parallel I/O algorithms (for both the disk and for network) help you move data faster to reduce windows of vulnerability and to make data available for decision making and the end points.
"EDpCloud is one inter-operable data synchronization and file mirroring solution for Windows, Mac/Apple, Linux on Intel, Solaris x86, Solaris Sparc, AIX on Power Systems, Linux on Power Systems, etc." - MN
"EDpCloud file synchronization does not use FTP or HTTP, instead it uses a robust protocol to automatically and securely sync deltas and file changes between various operating systems." - KB
EDpCloud is one of the fastest data replication software for Linux, Windows, Mac, Solaris and AIX servers and desktops. Its low memory foot print and makes it ideal for businesses that need to always be syncing data" - CMDR. RM