Real-Time Data Replication Software
EDpCloud is a cross platform real-time file replication and file sync software solution

What can you do with EDpCloud real time bi-directional software
- Automate your backups
- Sync files automatically and securely between multiple platforms
- Transfer data securely and automatically between sites and offices
- Move data between Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris, Aix, other Unix
- Use your existing hardware
- Use your existing networks
- Sync to and between private clouds
- Replicate data in real time between public clouds
- Migrate between cloud providers
- Distribute data between various nodes and applications
- Synchronize files in real time between private, public and hybrid clouds.
Download EDpCloud and Start Replicating Data Now.

Reduce risks and costs
Call us today at 1-952-746-4160 to reduce risks, costs and to increase operational efficiency.
EDpcloud real-time file replication and backup is used for:
- Backup consolidation: online backup from and to different operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris)
- Backup to any operating systems
- Backup Windows to Linux, Mac, Solaris, AIX or Windows
- Backup Mac to Windows, Linux, Solaris or Mac
- Backup Solaris to Windows, Mac, Linux, AIX or Solaris
- Data protection in transit and at rest using encryption
- Syncing files between business processes, geographic regions and systems
EDpCloud automatic and secure real time server data replication and backup software allows you to:
- Reduce labor costs
- Reduce risks associated with system and network failures
- Reduce risks of data leaks
- Reduce risks of human errors
- Reduce costs of data protection, of bandwidth and of business processes
- Automate tasks
- Keep your money and pay only if you are satisfied.
Consolidate your backups and protect your data for Linux, Mac, Windows, Solaris, AIX.
EDpCloud backup and replication software is a cross platform enterprise solution.
Contact EnduraData for your free demo or for any assistance.Automatically backup, replicate and sync data between platforms and locations.
EDpCloud is a cross platform file transfer solution with file replication to sync and share data securely and automatically between non homogeneous systems on the LAN, MAN, WLAN, MESH or WAN. The solution is used to automate data protection and data sharing between branch offices, business processes and server nodes. EDpCloud synchronizes data and makes it available immediately for applications to be used on remote or local servers.
Use EDpCloud file synchronization software to reduce risks of data loss.
- Is the risk of losing data or poor business processes performance keeping you awake at night? if so, this is for you
- Don't let a corrupt disk drive, a corrupt backup or a corrupt file get you and your business in hot water
- Don't rely on the old FTP. Instead, automate your file transfer using EDpCloud and achieve efficiencies of scale
- Build your own cloud backup or use existing cloud backup providers. EDpCloud will allow you to move data between cloud providers.
EDpCloud is used to replicate data automatically between geographic sites for data sharing, workflow and for online remote PC or server backup.
How does EDpCloud data protection, file replication, synchronization and managed file transfer work?
Challenges solved by EDpCloud file replication and managed file transfer:
EDpCloud is a Machine to Machine, VM to Server, etc file transfer software solution.
EDpCloud runs on:
- Servers
- Virtual machines
With EDpCloud:
- You configure a system to send files to one or more PCs or servers or VMs on the LAN or on the internet
- You configure many servers to send to a single server thus consolidating backups or aggregating content
- You configure scheduled synchronization or real time file replication
- File changes are updated quickly and automatically, ensuring timely real time backup
- Compression is used to reduce the amount of data sent across the network
- The files are stored in a flat system and are not in a proprietary format
- The file replication software will keep all systems in sync
- The replication and backup software will resume transfers from where it left off in case of a network outage
- The software sends only deltas
- All communications are encrypted by default.
EDpCloud allows you to mirror, synchronize and share files between geographic locations and between systems.
- Synchronize Data
- Share Files
- Online Backup To Remote Locations
- Move, Migrate or Aggregate Data
EDpCloud file transfer and replication software solution has the same look and feel and inter-operates on Mac, Windows, Linux, Solaris and UNIX.
The software allows you to:
- Securely send large files and share data in real time with authorized users
- Sync entire directories and file systems in bulk from system to system -- performing automatic synchronization
- Perform encrypted remote online backup for all platforms
- Integrate automatic encrypted file transfer with workflow
- Encrypt all data communications between sites
- Share data between machines in different geographic sites
- Synchronize and backup data on the LAN and on the WAN
- Backup data online to your own private cloud or to public clouds.
- Machine to machine and site to site synchronization
- Send large files from one PC to one or many PCs
- Securely backup a PC or server or many PCs or servers to a single server
- Aggregate backups to a single location
- Distribute and share files and knowledge to increase efficiency
- Backup files for end to end data protection
- Cloud to cloud data migration and synchronization
- Aggregate content and consolidate backups
- Avoid data leaks and increase compliance
- Ingest data automatically to enterprise processes
- Build your own appliance and limit access to it
- No proprietary file formats
- No ftp, no Java, efficient, fast and cost effective
- Basic training included, no monthly fees, no per user charges, no per byte charge.
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Networks & Infrastructures supported
- Private
- Public.
Topologies and configurations supported
- One to One
- Many to One
- Unidirectional
- Bidirectional
- Cascaded: One to Many to Many, Many to Many
- Meshes.
Operating systems supported
- Linux on Intel
- Linux on AMD
- Linux on IBM Power
- Mac
- Solaris x86
- Solaris Sparc
- Windows
- AIX on IBM Power
- Other Unix Platforms.
Need another platform? Call EnduraData at 1-952-746-4160
Additional information:
Read more: Data protection and file sync for Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris, AIX.